about abc & LOL
I would like to welcome you into my life story and how we have become what and who we are today because of my journey. Shortly after I finished high school, I knew I had a passion for the happiness of young children. My spirit lifted when I would see a child giggling and full of joy, and on the opposite end when I saw a child that was in distress or sad. I felt that too. With those feelings tugging at my heart I knew that Early Childhood Education is where my passion came to life.
I opened a child care center in Danville, VT the year after I graduated high school and what started with 6 children quickly grew into a center for 39 children. After my second child was born, he had a few health concerns, so with a heavy heart I decided it best to sell my childcare center and become a full-time mom. I was fortunate enough to stay home to raise my then 3 children. When I took my oldest child to his very first day of Pre-K, I had a teacher from his school tell me, as she noticed me helping another child, that I was a natural with children and that my calling was in the Early Education field. Moving forward from that day, I was asked to substitute in multiple different classrooms, which brought even more joy to my thoughts of some day opening another center - one that would make a difference in each child’s life as they walk through our doors.
Ten years later I found myself examining my future as I started a new life as a single mom. With a lot of heartache, triumph, and determination, in 2011 I opened a childcare center (ABC & LOL Child Care Center) My 3 children Austynn, Bailey, and Colton are where I took the initials from... And the LOL – I knew that my heart would be overflowing with lots of love for each child. With a new business name in place, I began my adventure. I was first licensed for 26 children in 2011. I was approached by 5 families from my first childcare center in Danville, that now had children of their own - these babies that had grown into beautiful parents and now wanted to bring their children to me! What a compliment I was blessed with. This made my determination for a successful high-quality center even more personal!
In June of 2019, I married my best friend with my children, family, and friends at my side. It was the most beautiful day ever. My husband Jon is as involved with our Center as I am. He is our fulltime contractor, maintenance, and bus driver too. The children adore him and run up to him for hugs when he enters a classroom. His presence is especially important on so many levels here at ABC & LOL. Jon and I also began fostering a little boy who stole our hearts from the moment we brought him home. We couldn’t be more proud to legally call him our son now.
The gratitude that I hold for my journey and the happiness that derives from it is exceptional to me. I am very appreciative for all the laughter, joy, the children and their families I have met - and the people who hold these same values as I do inspire me daily! Now here we are in 2022, two additional buildings added to our mission, and now serving over 200 children and 45 staff. I feel we are making that much needed difference, one that each child will hopefully remember as my families did from my very first center in Danville.
With a 5-Star high quality rating childcare center, we strive each day to maintain and excel beyond that. I invite and welcome you to come see for yourself who we are, and why we make the difference in a child’s life.
Heather & Jon - Owners